
Caterpillars class is one of our two Year 1 classes, where our children are in their first year of Key Stage 1. During Year one, we aim to support the development of independence both academically and personally.  Children work hard during their transition into year one and they will become much more fluent in their reading, writing and known facts related to number.  These are the building blocks for future learning and we value the support of parents to help develop fluency in reading and number bonds. We have high expectations of our children but we also have large amounts of fun along the way!

On this page you will find lots of useful information about what we are up to in class, as well as how children's learning can be supported at home, both from a parent's perspective, as well as how children can learn independently at home in their spare time.  We hope you find it useful.

  • Miss Emma Stevenson


  • Mrs Elkie Martin

    Teaching Assistant

  • Mrs Sharon Teckoe

    Teaching Assistant

 Termly  topic:  PE this half term:  Important dates:
At the Seaside
During the summer term we will be looking at the 'seaside'. We have an exciting 'seaside day' planned in the second half of summer term for extra enrichment where the children will have fun playing in the sand and on the water slides, on a donkey ride and will even have an ice cream! Lets hope we have some lovely warm weather! The children will also be looking at the seaside in history lessons and whether holidays have changed over the years. Our English texts will also be seaside themed and the children will have the opportunity to write their own non-chronological report based on a sea animal. 
Please can children come to school in their PE kits on the following
Monday: Forest School (alternate Mondays with Centipedes)
PE - Ball skills
PE - Ball skills/ sports day practise
Important notices:
  • Children will receive new spellings on a Friday, to practise every day at home.
  • Phoneme mats have been sent home to support the 'Bug Club' phonetic learning the children will receive at school.
  • Children should aim to read 10 minutes every evening at home and this should be recorded in their individual reading diaries.
  • By the end of year 1, children should be fluent with number bond facts to 10, and beginning to make connections with bonds to 20 using this knowledge. It would greatly improve the children's recall if they can practice these at home also. Numbots log ins are provided for children as a tool to practise these facts.
  • Children's work and important class announcements will be uploaded onto the seesaw platform. All children have received individual invitations for family members to join.
  • Just like reception, reading books will be changed when the children are reading fluently.
Below you can download supporting documents which will help with home-learning:
You will have already received a Seesaw code. Please log on to this as soon as possible as we use it as a communication tool with our homes to help share important information.
We also use core interactive and exciting programmes to support our learning, which can be logged into at home using the children's provided usernames and passwords. All passwords will be inside your child's reading record.